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Unity Sand Ceremony: Its Advantages And Importance

Individuals that are keen on finding alternatives to unity candle ceremony might consider the unity sand ceremony. A unity sand ceremony is more often than not very effective especially when it comes to signifying the eternal unity between a bride and a groom. A couple often light a large and unique candle in a unity candle ceremony. To signify the eternal union of marriage between a bride and a groom, the unity sand ceremony requires both of them to pour differently colored sand into one large container. Most of the unity sand ceremonies are more often than not very appealing, unique, beautiful, and exciting for the couple as well as all of their invited guests and family members.

The unity sand ceremony more often than not has many different variations in different parts of the world but most of them often contain two differently colored sands. One color often represents the love and affection the bride has for the groom while the other color represents or signifies the love and affection the groom has for the bride. To symbolize their unity and coming together, the bride and the groom will pour their differently colored sand into one big vase together. The different colored sand in one big vase often shows that both the bride and the groom have come together in holy matrimony and will remain united throughout their lives.

Having children from previous relationships often requires the unity sand ceremony to be adjusted accordingly and this means that a third vase of differently colored sand is required for the children to pour into the large vase with their parents and this often signifies a new and united family. In order to still maintain a little sense of individuality even though you are tying the knot, some versions of the unity sand ceremony requires that both the bride and the groom leave a little sand in their specific vases.

Many couples that have done unity sand ceremonies in the past have had a wide variety of unity sand ceremony vases to choose from in regards to color, design, shape, size, and weight. More often than not, the large vase that often contains both the bride’s and the groom’s differently colored sands can often be kept by the couple as a reminder of their eternal union especially when they are going through a rough patch.

Engraving your names and the date of your special wedding on the large vase containing your differently colored sands is a great way of remembering your special day and reminding each other of how special you are and how much love is shared between the both of you. Most couples that do the unity sand ceremony more often than not remain happily married for a very long time.

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