Buying Dog Treats Like a Responsible Owner
Just like us humans, pets especially dogs love receiving treats and similar to us, they are sometimes consuming big amounts of calories from treats they eat. If you are not carefully enough, these treats can add large amount of calories in what seems to be normal health and diet. Well, you might not realize it but your dog gets plenty of treats within a day. As a matter of fact, there are numerous dog owners across the globe who always lose count of the treats they’re giving to their pets and don’t realize it until they’re asked for details of their dog’s diet and health history.
The snacks and the treats that you give to your dog is something that must contain ten percent of its daily calorie requirements. To have an idea of the number of treats that should be given to pets in a day, it is best to ask your vet. They are going to make suggestions that are based on the treats that your pet likes most, if it’s active and its current weight. However, our dog love treats and people love giving them such because it is one way of creating bond and memories with them, which is actually a good thing. There’s nothing wrong in giving treats to your pet; just remember to do it in moderation.
You might want to skip buying snacks from stores as these are oftentimes high in sugar and fat content that also contain preservatives. Fortunately, there are treats that are made from vegetables. Try to give them as well green beans, broccolis and baby carrots as such have almost no calories. Your dog actually doesn’t care whatever you give them as they will gladly accept it even if it isn’t fatty or meaty. Apparently, dogs are open to any type of foods so vegetables can surely be a good alternative snack for them.
Try some fruits too similar to berries, banana slices, apple slices with no seeds, watermelon and the likes. Try to avoid onions, raisins, chocolates and grapes or anything that contains caffeine as it can be toxic to your pets. Other snacks that work nicely as a dog treat include air popped popcorn without butter or salt as well as plain rice cakes that are broken to pieces.
The dog treats you are about to give is something that must be soft and easy to chew. As a rule of thumb, push your thumbnail in the treat and if it left a mark there, then it’s a good and safe treat to give.
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