How Opiate Addicts can Benefit from Ibogaine It is a big problem of society when a great number of their constituents are addicted to heroin and many die of its overdose. This has led to a crisis in public health. There are many cases of deaths because of heroin overdose and it seems that up to the present this problem has not been controlled. Both government and scientists are looking for ways to curb heroin addiction and at present they are still looking for treatment that is a painless kind of relief for this addiction. The introduction of Ibogaine is one of these efforts; ibogaine is a psychoactive substance found in plants of the Apocynaceae family. It seems that this plant is giving hope to thousands of heroin addicts and those grappling with heroin overdoes. Heroin addiction is known to be the most difficult to deal with yet this substance called ibogaine is said to be effective in treating opioid addictions and effective in dealing with opioid addiction. How ibogaine works is that it disrupts the pattern formed by the opioid addiction in the brain. What will happen to the user of ibograine is that he will has an intense psychedelic experience for a day or two or more. If a patient is treated with ibogaine it results in reducing withdrawal symptoms and cravings and help them to reverse their drug using behaviors.
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Other addictions can also be treated by ibogaine like alcohol suboxone, methadone, and various addictions to stimulants. Ibogaine is able to disrupt the addiction pattern created by the opioid in the brain. Brain receptors and opioid bind when it is being used. Regular use of drugs makes the brain crave for it, due to which the user experiences an increased urge to use the drug every now and then. But ibogaine acts on the areas of the brain involved in drug cravings and then takes them back to the original state, thus eliminating withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
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IT is said that those who used ibogaine only needed a single session and they were able to combat severe opioid addiction. One dosage of ibogaine make a person experience a psychedelic state for about 30 hours. When they are in the psychedelic stage they gain significant insights into their addictive habit which further helps in controlling the habit. There are cases when in just a single session addiction is ended. These newly treated from addiction still need counseling and support groups so that they don’t experience a relapse. Ibogaine still falls under the category of schedule I drugs in the US. It is not lawful to use ibogaine. Ibogaine is not currently advocated for medical use in the country but scientists have demonstrated the benefits of ibogaine in treating opioid addiction.