Reasons to Clean Your Drapery Regularly Drapes and curtains although it means the same thing to most of us, are actually used distinctively. Most of us use light and thin fabrics for our curtains; they cover and complements out windows and they also help in preventing dust and allergens from entering our house. Drapes, on the other hand are also like curtains but they have a lining behind it so that the face fabric is protected from sunlight. The face of the fabric is the fabric that you see when your bearing is inside the room and looking out. Drapes are hung so that sunlight is totally blocked from entering your room and where windows are typically closed. The darkness of the room depends on the darkness of the lining of your drapes. The lining of the drapes has a contrasting color to the face fabric and are usually lighter than the face fabric. The face fabric of the drape is heavier than its lining and it can insulate noise coming from outside. Therefore, while cleaning curtains means cleaning it from outside pollutants, cleaning drapes is a method of cleaning pollutants that encircles your room. However, who says that chances of pollutants entering your room comes from your window when your windows is most of the time closed? So it is said that there is less amount of dust and alelrgens in rooms where the windows are shut then in rooms when the windows are most of the time open. While it is true that during certain seasons dust and allergens can easily be blown in an open window, they are likely present during the rest of the season. Going in and out of the room bring dust and mud from your shoes means that you are sprinkling particles of soil and allergen inside it. You do this year round and especially in greater extent during seasons when you hardly can find them entering through your window.
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So even in all your windows are closed, dust and allergens continue to enter in. Thus regular cleaning of your drapes is still necessary since dust and allergens can still be found even if your windows are always shut.
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So your company should have your drapes cleaned regularly by a reputable drape cleaning company and one such company is the Yucca Valley Drapery Cleaning Services. With the best professional cleaning company, your drapes will be free from all the allergens that were built up into it like pet hair, dander, and dust mites that are trapped into the fabric of your drapes.