Annual Physical Pet Exams – What to Expect at The Vet’s Office

Do you think it is appropriate to allot a specific time to see a veterinarian for a checkup? Do you have doubts when it comes to the procedures that the vet will conduct? As pet owners, you need to be acquainted on the procedures that will be performed by the doctor. It helps you determine whether your pet is not feeling well or they are healthy. Here are some of the procedures that veterinarians normally conduct during your pet’s annual physical exam:

Temperature Reading

The first thing that most vets do is obtain the temperature of your pets. The typical range for cats or dog’s normal temperature would fall somewhere between 100 to 102.5 degree Fahrenheit. Signs of pet ailments are not often shown physically that is why vets often obtain their temperature to know if they are feeling some sort of sickness and they need further examinations.
Getting Down To Basics with Pets

Skin and Fur Examination
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Skin and coat examination is also necessary, this will allow vets to know if there is a proper care given to the pets and that they did not accumulate parasitic organisms like fleas and ticks. The signs that your pet is not feeling well are the following: dry skin and strands of fur the easily breaks and fall. More likely vets would advise pet owners to go for a meat-based diet if the skin of their pets doesn’t look healthy. With just a couple of weeks to endure, the skin of your pet will look much better.

Ear Problems

One of indicators of a healthy ear is a smooth skin that is free from any wounds. Ears that are dry and smell awful is usually a bad sign thus if your pets are experiencing such you must have them check as soon as possible. You must pay attention with those indicators so that you can do immediate resolutions. The ear canal is where the infection would usually start. If you are able to bring your pets at the vet’s office for a regular checkup then they’ll be able to determine if your pet needs ear medication plus this also prevents bigger problems and bigger expenditures. If they have any ear problems, vets will usually prescribe some medications to alleviate their condition as well as guide you with the proper methods in cleaning their ears.

Examination for the Eyes

Vet would also examine the interior structure of your pet’s eyes. True enough, pets rarely experience eye problems but as a proactive approach you have to make sure the vets are able to conduct an examination with it. The usual problem that pets experience is eye irritations that are triggered by dust, grass or pollen.
