Why You Should See a Christian Marriage Counselor Rather Than a Secular Therapist
Both Christian marriage help and secular counseling have the same objective of forestalling a possible breakup or escalation of marital complications. However, the two approaches differ significantly in several ways, making it important for a Christian to pause for a moment before choosing where to go for help and save marriage.
Here’s why you may find Christian marriage therapy more effective than secular approaches:
In case you’re taking up Christian counseling, maybe for advice regarding restoring a marriage after an affair, there will be an additional angle to this help, which secular techniques lack. Christian counseling originates from the holy scriptures, and it aims at keenly discovering the elements in which a person may have disobeyed God’s will and doctrines as the Bible stipulates. The ultimate objective is to save marriage when the individual in question agrees to utilize Christian guidance and comply with the will of the Lord.
Christian counselors manage to achieve their objectives because they recognize an absolute standard that forms the basis for such goals and evaluation of the counselee’s way of life. They believe the Bible is the truth and tool that may be used to correct, rebuke, teach, and train for the purpose of righteousness.
Such an unquestionable standard is not at a secular counselor’s disposal, who instead choose to harness up-to-date psychological doctrines and cultural customs, which never remain standard at all times and in all locations. Therefore, a secular counselor won’t come to you with an absolute moral compass on the basis of which practical directions can be provided and choices made.
For instance, think about the issue of unfaithfulness in marriage. When you consulting a secular professional to restore your marriage, they’ll probably ask, “Are you pleased with your actions”?, or even “how do you reckon your actions affect your spouse? Of course, even a Christian therapist will need you evaluating those concerns. However, the way you conduct your marriage is not just about you and your spouse, and so you need someone also asking you, “what do you think is the God’s view of your actions?” A “shrink” who acknowledges the relevance of God’s principles in preserving a blissful matrimony is exactly your best bet in this case.
Don’t forget the imperative role of prayers, which is not offered in secular marriage therapies. Prayers for marriage restoration are important to any spiritual therapy. Once you play your part, it’s important to pray to God for strength and wisdom as you attempt to uphold His will and return to a path of righteousness, in case that’s the cause of your marital problems. When your husband or wife is the source of concern, look up to prayers for the strength to keep trying rather than bolt out of marriage too soon.
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