It is easy to combine your entire roster of social media links onto your iPhone. If you are not sure how this is done, then do not fret. No worries; if you aren’t sure how to link up all of your social media accounts to your phone, then just read on.

A protective screen is a useful investment for your iPhone. If you don’t apply a screen protector, your phone can suffer from scratches and nicks. All it takes is a small piece of dirt to cause a bad scratch. Make sure to always protect the screen of your phone.

Keep in mind you don’t have to always need to press X each time AutoCorrect pops up to suggest a correction. All you need to do is press the screen, anywhere. This is a faster way to get rid of the AutoCorrect suggestion box.

Taking full advantage of the iPhone’s multimedia abilities will let you get more from your device. You can download television shows, films or funny videos and transform a phone into an entertainment center.

Sync your email accounts with your iPhone to easily access your messages. By tagging these accounts, you will receive a notification any time you receive an email. This will allow you to view your messages in a timely manner. You can tag email from one account or more than one account so that you receive notifications on your iPhone that you’ve received email.

As you navigate websites, try using one and then two fingers to scroll through it. If the page has multiple text boxes, using one finger to scroll will let you scroll through a single box. Two fingers will make navigating the whole page easier.

Has a good opportunity to take a picture passed you by because you couldn’t get to the camera app quickly enough? Use this simple and fast shortcut. First, just tap on the Home feature two times while the phone is locked. A miniature camera icon will be noticeable at the bottom. Hitting it will instantly throw your iPhone into camera mode.

Always ensure that you are keeping your iPhone’s OS up to date. Apple iPhones are almost as complex as computers now, so there are occasional patches to fix bugs, security holes and functionality issues. Updating your iPhone crucial if you’re using it to access information online.

Turn the sound of keyboard clicks On in your Sounds Section if you need to hear clicks when you are texting. This could help reduce the number of errors you make since you can hear when the phone has registered the letters you have touched.

Do not waste time with suggested words on your iPhone. If you’re texting or using email on your phone, simply tap any part of the screen to get rid of the suggestion box. This will keep you from having to click on the little “x” every time you want to dismiss a word.

You may realize that your iPhone can remind you of something that is happening at a certain time. What you may not know is that location-based options are available as well. You can say “remind me to go to the store after I leave work.” You can use many different types of reminders when it comes to iPhones.

Do not go overboard buying apps for your iPhone. There are millions of apps for you to choose from, as you should select wisely. Some of these apps can be untrustworthy, stealing your information and charging you money without your knowledge.

While your phone tries to make site navigation easy, sometimes it is tough to scroll to the top on different pages. It’s not necessary. If you tap the status bar near the top of the screen, you will go right back to the beginning of the page. This also works for other screens that are long too (such as iTunes lists).

The command for marking emails unread in the iPhone isn’t visible; you have to uncover it. Find Details, click on Unread, and when the email is reopened, it will be seen as unread.

Using Facebook with your iPhone can be a great idea. Many people already take advantage of the benefits of Facebook while using their iPhone, but some do not know they are able to use Facebook on their iPhone.

Use the auto-correct to your benefit by setting your own phrases to the memory. In your setting menu, navigate to General/Keyboard/Add New Shortcut. You can input abbreviations or acronyms as desired. When typing these shortcuts, words and phrases that correspond will come out in their whole form.

If you do not like the voice of the Siri application, there are other options. First, you have to find Siri that is located on the General Settings tab. You can change her language to French, German or English. Also, you will be able to alter the accent to British or Australian. In fact, British Siris are male.

You can screenshot anytime with your iPhone. You just need to press the home button and power button together. By pressing both at the same time, you will get a snapshot of the current display and it will immediately get stored in the images app.

Social Media

Use your iPhone to connect via social media with your friends. There are apps available for every social network including Twitter and Facebook that allow you to easily update your status and post photos. Stay connected to the latest developments with the most popular social media applications.

As you can see, it is easy to stay connected with your usual social media accounts on your iPhone. This way, you can stay in touch with friends or relatives all the time. Due to how useful connecting these two features has been proven to be, almost everyone wants to get their hands on an iPhone.
